Express Meeting

Meeting room management

Our meeting room management solution consists of:

-Display the availability and schedule of a meeting room.

- Highlight the characteristics of the rooms made available.

-Effectively tackle ghost meetings!

Occupied meeting room

The visitor goes to the display interface of the current state of the room which is reserved for a period of time.

The Visitor has the possibility of viewing the following information:

-The current event.

-The start and end time.

 -A brief description (subject, members present).

-The room program throughout the day.

Available meeting room

The visitor goes to the display interface for the current state of the available room.

 The interface only displays upcoming events.

And all information regarding previous events is hidden.

Back Office interface

Access to the backoffice is secured by a username and password.

There are two types of profiles:

-Administrator or simple user (all access rights must be granted by the administrator).

The Administrator interface displays the table of reserved rooms.

Sorting by Room, by date / time of the start and end of the reservation can be done.

The administrator can access the reservation information with a single click on the name of the event on the board.

Reservation management

The meeting room reservation interface gives the user the possibility to consult the details of a reservation and choose to:

-To modify

-To delete

-Copy or export a reservation.

Room management interface

Express Display Meeting offers the possibility of managing the rooms:

By Adding, Modifying or Deleting an existing room.